How to adjust desktop on monitor


Sep 27, 2015
Hello folks
Just connected my htpc to an 48 inch 1080p television works great but one problem though. When i get to the desktop it does only show the middle and not the side and the taskbar it is their though but is not visible very annoying when closing tabs and stuff does anybody know how to adjust this i tried lowering the resolution but it only gets ugly and shows black bars on the side please help!
Change the screen resolution from the screen display settings. And be careful while choosing the resolution. Choose the resolution which has aspect ratio 16:9 as your TV aspect ratio is 16:9. And try choosing highest possible resolution to fit it perfectly.
On my Samsung tv, it has a picture size option . i have this set to screen fit.. see if your tv has something similar in the picture size options..if you can find them! Should be on the remote or in picture settings
Change the screen resolution from the screen display settings. And be careful while choosing the resolution. Choose the resolution which has aspect ratio 16:9 as your TV aspect ratio is 16:9. And try choosing highest possible resolution to fit it perfectly.

Aspect ratio is the ratio at which pixels are divided.

For example one aspect ratio can have different resolutions:
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Resolution 1: Full HD(1920x1080)
Resolution 2: Quad HD (2560x1440)
Resolution 3: Ultra HD or 4K(3840x2160)

I told you about aspect ratio to help you in choosing correct resolution. When you chose other resolution that lies between than above 3 the aspect ratio changes the. For example there are wide monitors which have resolution 3840x1440 they have aspect ratio of 21:9 which is different than 16:9. Aspect ratio depends on the dimensions of monitor.