Question How to backup on a linux NAS


Sep 9, 2018
Hey, I'm running a linux NAS with 2 hard drives, I want the 2 drives to be in 'sync' but - I don't want removed files to be deleted, only to be added(which is not exactly the same as mirroring)
What I mean by that is:
If I create a folder named test on 1 drive, I want it to be mirrored to the second drive, but if I'll remove that folder from the first drive, I'd still want it to remain on the second drive(and if I'll need I could delete it manually).

Is there any such solution available? I tried searching about it and lots of results suggested lsyncd, and I did manage to run it, but it does delete removed files as well.
There is a flag called --delete = false which I thought is what I'm looking for, but actually it just keeps previously existed files on the drive, but still deletes files created afterwards.

Surely there's something similar that allows me to achieve that?