How To 

How To Beat Mission 2:Morning Comes Too Soon In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

You'll get a cutscene that you won't be able to skip, where you are introduced to Alex and the Juggernaut collective after you have finished your first mission. This will be concluded with a terrorist attack on Prague that you are caught in the middle of. You'll wake up after this cutscene about 30 hours later in your own apartment, with the mission to collect yourself and get ready for action again.

Step 1)Open your blinds.

Once you've gotten out of bed, you might notice that your HUD is glitching out and stuttering a bit, and that most of your augments are offline from the recent terrorist attack. Stumble over to your window and order your smart home to open the blinds, and you'll be given a message that David Sarif called, and you can call him from your TV.

Step 2)Check your hidden cache

Before you make your way out to the TV to return his call, look down at the floor beside your bed. It's well hidden, but you'll get a prompt to open a hidden cache. There's a bunch of goodies down here, some story information, and your first Square Enix triangle code.

Step 3)Explore your apartment.

Familiarize yourself with this apartment, it's going to be visited a lot throughout the game. Grab any supplies you see hidden around, and be sure to check the bathroom as well as there are some painkillers stashed in there. You can also choose to have a shower as well, answering that age old question of 'are those metal prosthetic arms and legs waterproof?'. Yes. Yes they are. Make sure you check your wall safe, accessed from the terminal in your kitchen. You can use these boxes to store any items you don't feel the need to carry around, but don't want to sell right now.

Step 4)Call David Sarif back.

Now that you have your bearings and have collected anything important, give Sarif a quick call to see what he needed from you. After some catching up he'll admit he needs you to sign some documents for him and he'll be sending them over.

Step 5)Time to head out and see your doctor to get your augments working again.

Now that you've got yourself collected and your inventory is sorted out using those storage boxes, it's time to head out on the town. When you open your front door you'll give a quick call to your doctor to arrange a meeting. Nothing is ever easy though, as it seems he's having some issues with some local thugs.

Make sure you are ready for some action, things could get interesting as soon as you leave your apartment, but as soon as you open the door it will end the morning comes too soon quest and you'll receive an experience bonus for it.