News How to Build a Gaming PC for Under $500 with GPU

Well, put your money where your mouth is and show us, then! I think you're underestimating the market for used parts.
Well, at least for the GPU he's not necessarily wrong:

For 1080p gaming and some 1440p, even, that card is more than fine and a 12100 is enough to not limit the card. I would have to look up on other components to see if you could also do new GPU and used everything else, but I feel chances for that are rather low.

Or one of those
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It probably makes more sense to buy used parts/PC if budget was that low. You get a much better system.

Im a sort of an "expert" on getting "most for your budget", I agree somewhat, but a Mix of new/used is the best way to build a PC in that price bracket, best performance/currentness/price solution I have found by experiance. I could set you up a nice example cretique if youd like.
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It probably makes more sense to buy used parts/PC if budget was that low. You get a much better system.
Until something breaks.
It sounds like fine idea, but only as long as you use used components only for non-essential parts. If you buy used GPU for 100 and it dies after month you find yourself in situation where you spent all your money on a rig that does not work anymore. And at that budget range you usually do not have extra money to replace parts that failed. Because of that I always advise buying new: you end up with lower specs but more reliable.
What bothers me in these low-cost builds is that upgradeability is not considered. If you intend to purchase the system, and slowly improve it, then it is better to start with a more solid foundation. For example, a slightly larger PSU (550W minimum), a motherboard with 4 slots of RAM, and a well ventilated case, and that's three things you don't need to replace in the future. Suddenly you want to fit an RTX 3070 in there, and the case is hot/small and the PSU is weak. Yes, the base PC starts worse (the 5600G as a $500 build, for example), but you save money on the longer term.
There is one used part that you can use that is totally safe. That's the case. You might even pay 0 money for it. Either an old one from your old pc or a friends old case. Ans you will need a 4 memory slot MB for sure. Even a 16GB system today might need 32 in a 2-3 year time.
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the cooling in the suggested case is really as bad as it gets
its quaint and had much in the way of build quality issues when I built with it
front usb screwed in incorrectly making them unusable
loudish exhaust fan

it is however perfect for this build
Followed your guidance and 2 separate Intel machines are enroute, totaling $548 CAD each. As it has been 2 months, I was unable to find the same deal on a GPU. Instead have bought 2 used GTX1650 for the same price, unsure how closely this compares to SWFT105. The extra $62 was put towards a 600w power supply and 2tb hard drive. Will follow Toms guide to get a cheap copy of Windows, not included in the build and let you know how things work out.