Put it in the microwave 😀 that'll do the trick, although I wouldn't recommend it 😛 I would do as suggested above and overclock it, and then stress the hell out of the card.
to the tread starter dont..use a 3 party tool like spacy from people that make ccleaner. old system used apg video cards if your rig as old as you posted the new vidoe cards wont fit or work in an very old pc. if the pc that old check to see if the old caps are leaking. also google the model of the pc if it a dell or older hp you might have a pc with bad caps issue that you can show your dad that the pc has a defect and should be replaced. also sit down with dad and see if you can work (lawn jobs) for the summer for a new pc.
lol I love how you guys turned this into a moral problem. He probably won't find a buyer for the Quadro anyway, even if he does he will have to sell it dirt cheap, since this is not even a gaming card and Pros do not buy outdated secondhand hardware.
lol I love how you guys turned this into a moral problem. He probably won't find a buyer for the Quadro anyway, even if he does he will have to sell it dirt cheap, since this is not even a gaming card and Pros do not buy outdated secondhand hardware.
Well, he could always tell the truth, and ask politely for a new gpu. He could also say that the quadro isn't really meant for gaming, and in addition that the card is really old, and it is time to upgrade. the Quadro is from 09 for Pete's sake 😛