J Joebob1717 Honorable May 5, 2013 8 0 10,510 May 5, 2013 #1 I'm going to be building a computer, and when I'm picking my parts what specs do I look at to know how big of a power supply I need? Do I just add everything up or?
I'm going to be building a computer, and when I'm picking my parts what specs do I look at to know how big of a power supply I need? Do I just add everything up or?
completelyrandomname Honorable Aug 13, 2012 1,349 0 11,460 May 5, 2013 #2 Tell us what parts you are using and we will tell you. Upvote 0 Downvote
USAFRet Titan Moderator Mar 16, 2013 177,343 20,775 184,590 May 5, 2013 #3 List your components here, or there are a number of power supply calculators online. Upvote 0 Downvote