How to centralize user folders for home PCs?


Feb 9, 2007
Hello. I have 4 windows 7 PCs at home, 3 of them are laptops and one is a desktop. I have a Synology NAS as well.

Everyone in the family may use either computer, with their own user accounts.

I'd like to know how to centralize every computer's user folder in the NAS, so that my files are always up to date regardless of the computer I log into, either by offloading the user files to the NAS or by replicating them in real time. Let's say I'm working on a document or playing a game on the desktop, then I go to bed and keep where I left on the laptop.

Something like a dropbox folder, but for the whole user directory and without having to go through an external service and the internet.

I'm sure it's possible, but I don't know how to do it without setting up a Windows Server or an Active Directory rig.

Thank you very much.


Thought about it at first, but it would work on the desktop only (gigabit ethernet), while the others would be slow via Wifi.