[SOLVED] How to chainload (boot into) clover from grub2?

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May 9, 2016
I have a clover bootloader installed (not written to MBR) and I want to know how to load clover from my grub2 bootloader. I've done it successfully with chameleon by installing chameleon and then installing grub2, but that doesn't work with clover, it instead will just lead to an error (one I can't remember) so I went into grub customizer and set the OS X boot entry as a chainloader and set the partition to be my OS X partition, I get the error with my UUID of that partition not existing. The UUID is correct so I don't know what the issue is. This is on a Windows computer on an MBR disk. I want to avoid formatting my drive as gpt because I really don't want to reinstall everything again.

Note: I CAN boot into OS X (Yosemite) using the flash drive I have prepared that has chameleon installed on it
Forum rules prevent us from helping you boot OS X on a non-Apple computer. You should consult one of the specialist web sites devoted to this topic.

Ok, I will! Thank you!
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