How to change 64 bit to 32 bit windows 7

Is there a specific reason why you're wanting 32bit instead of 64bit? Practically all programs that run on 32bit will also run on a 64bit.

As skaz stated though, you'll have to do a fresh install of W7, with selecting x86 as one of the install options.

Both versions should be on the one disc.

I have 2 discs, one for each version.

I also assume the person posting the question already knows about compatibility mode?
I know of only one program I can't run in Windows 7 64 and that's because it's very old!
The different versions of Vista/7 can come on one disk or separate disks.

The biggest compatibility issue with X64 windows is that it no longer runs 16 bit software. And many programs from the late 90's on into the early 2000's used 16 bit installers. So they WILL run, but you can't install them.

Why exactly to you wish to convert back to 32 bit?