How to change fan speed? Corsair LL120's


Oct 25, 2017
So, I installed my Corsair LL120's today and they work fine. However, they're really noisy and Ithink it's because they are stuck on max fan speed. I've installed Corsair LINK to see if I can change the fan speed but I don't know how. Any suggestions?

Yes, the radiator fans should connect to the headers attached to the cooler. The case fans should connect to the motherboard connections.
2-pin? Like to a Molex (old style) connector? If so, you can't control the speed of the fans with such a connection. You either need to connect the fans to a 4-pin header on the motherboard or to a fan controller. Otherwise, they run at full speed, all of the time.
That's what all 3 fans are connected to :
NZXT has an app like LINK ( That connector is for an additional fan to be used with the cooler.

Honestly, I am having doubts about how all of your fans are connected. Please provide a description of all of your cooling components and what they are connected to. Also, a complete list (make/model) of your system components would be useful.

From earlier in the thread, "If so, you can't control the speed of the fans with such a connection. You either need to connect the fans to a 4-pin header on the motherboard or to a fan controller. Otherwise, they run at full speed, all of the time. "
The radiator fans should be connected to the fan headers associated with the cooler. The case fans should be connected to the 4-pin fan headers on the motherboard itself (or to a separate fan controller).

You should be able to use CAM to monitor and adjust the cooler's settings.
I'm confused, sorry I'm new to PC builds. So the fans need to be connected to a 4 pin on the mobo? But there is three that need to be connected so where do they get connected on the mobo? My mobo is a ASUS Z270-A, could you maybe get a picture of my mobo and circle the three places I need to connect the three fans?
So where does the cable from the corsair node which came with the fans go on the mobo (this cable is for all of the fans and makes it so the LED's on all of them work.
Picture 1 :

Picture 2 : (front of the cable)

That goes to a USB 2.0 header on your motherboard. (see page 1-18 of the aforementioned manual). Any one of those will do.

With that attached and the fans to it. You can use LINK to control your speed and LED settings.

Any other surprises in your build?