How to change IP


May 1, 2015
Is there any way to change my ip. I want to change it to a different location.
We have moved to Europe and I was from the U.S. there are only European servers. I want something free to use not a trial or paying. Thanks for you help :) I have been wishing this for 2 months!
The problem with free vpn's is that it is usually limited bandwidth. Once you use your allocated bandwidth for the day, you are done. And it is pretty small bandwidth. A couple youtube vids and you are done. Plus they will have limited servers you can use. Why not just pay for a decent vpn. They are annual subscriptions and you can pay in the $35 range for good ones. I use PIA VPN, it has unlimited bandwidth and you can connect up to 5 devices. Plus it is only $39.95 for a year subscription right now. If you want to hit U.S. based servers all the time, then a paid VPN service is your best choice.
The problem with free vpn's is that it is usually limited bandwidth. Once you use your allocated bandwidth for the day, you are done. And it is pretty small bandwidth. A couple youtube vids and you are done. Plus they will have limited servers you can use. Why not just pay for a decent vpn. They are annual subscriptions and you can pay in the $35 range for good ones. I use PIA VPN, it has unlimited bandwidth and you can connect up to 5 devices. Plus it is only $39.95 for a year subscription right now. If you want to hit U.S. based servers all the time, then a paid VPN service is your best choice.