News How to Change Your Password in Windows 11

… Can’t go back to using a password to sign in….
Nothing surprising in this world where we try by all unimaginable means to file the population as if it were made up of nothing but criminals.
But the real criminals are those who use people's personal data to do what they want with it.

Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Google, etc. receive billions from the NSA, CIA, FBI and other even more secretive agencies to spy on all (except "leaders") on people.

When we know that now the medical files of the population (except those of the "leaders"), what is more private, are in the computers of multinationals and that they do not give a damn about giving away those fingerprints, his photo, his DNA, etc. she's against it even more.

What a wonderful world it will be tomorrow ... Soon quadrillion and quadrillions of "debts"
And all people (except "rulers") have to have microchip gates in their bodies.

It will be wonderful to log into Windows 18!
This message will be destroyed within five seconds ...
… Can’t go back to using a password to sign in….
Nothing surprising in this world where we try by all unimaginable means to file the population as if it were made up of nothing but criminals.
But the real criminals are those who use people's personal data to do what they want with it.

Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Google, etc. receive billions from the NSA, CIA, FBI and other even more secretive agencies to spy on all (except "leaders") on people.

When we know that now the medical files of the population (except those of the "leaders"), what is more private, are in the computers of multinationals and that they do not give a damn about giving away those fingerprints, his photo, his DNA, etc. she's against it even more.

What a wonderful world it will be tomorrow ... Soon quadrillion and quadrillions of "debts"
And all people (except "rulers") have to have microchip gates in their bodies.

It will be wonderful to log into Windows 18!
This message will be destroyed within five seconds ...

Nice. You don't sound crazy AT ALL! lol
… Can’t go back to using a password to sign in….
Nothing surprising in this world where we try by all unimaginable means to file the population as if it were made up of nothing but criminals.
But the real criminals are those who use people's personal data to do what they want with it.

Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Google, etc. receive billions from the NSA, CIA, FBI and other even more secretive agencies to spy on all (except "leaders") on people.

When we know that now the medical files of the population (except those of the "leaders"), what is more private, are in the computers of multinationals and that they do not give a damn about giving away those fingerprints, his photo, his DNA, etc. she's against it even more.

What a wonderful world it will be tomorrow ... Soon quadrillion and quadrillions of "debts"
And all people (except "rulers") have to have microchip gates in their bodies.

It will be wonderful to log into Windows 18!
This message will be destroyed within five seconds ...


Pretty much all conspiracy theorists spread their nonsense from their ivory-towers built on top of a computer running MICROSOFT WINDOWS.

Let us know when you switch to Linux or BSD, otherwise you might be a hypocrite.
To try to get back on topic here, with respect to password changing in Windows 11 has anybody given the Offline Windows Password reset tool(chntpw) a try in the new Windows?

I am curious if that works. - in case what if a user has forgotten their current Windows 11 password and are locked out?