In this article, it is said "it is important to ensure that your processor doesn't exceed its TJ Max".
However, it is not possible to exceed the TJ Max because there are internal thermal control mechanisms in the CPU that are automatically reducing power if you reach TJ Max.
Of course, you will have bad performances on your system if it happens so it is better to replace your cooling solution for a better one.
In this article, the popular examples of monitoring programs are all proprietary software.
It means that they can contain malicious functionalities and it is hard for the user to trust them.
So, I recommend an alternative open-source monitoring program like openhardwaremonitor.
I do a modest overclock and say "good enough". It keeps the temperature down to a reasonable level and I can get away with air cooling. Frankly, it is really hard to see the benefits of overclocking the CPU anymore except in certain programs. As a gamer with a 4K monitor, I get the best GPU that I can afford and don't worry that much about CPU clocks and none at all on memory speeds.
I'm happy with mine, though I didn't get the CPU cooler I wanted. Coming from the days when 60°C on an AMD processor was bad, even 75°C isn't ideal for me, despite being 15°C under the maximum, using a Corsair H150i and Arctic MX-5.
Normally I go for the optimal balance between voltage and speed. On my previous 3700X I could do 4.2ghz all core at 1.2v, sadly this 5950X is far from a golden sample, requiring 1.3v to do 4.5/4.7 all core, or really any overclock at all, though it's still a lot better than PBO with no limits and curve optimizer per core can do, it can't even hit advertised boost speeds under single threaded workloads.
Still, I miss the days of Windows 7 and Widgets, the AIDA64 widget was a wonderful swiss army knife of CPU usage and temps, network usage, memory usage, and a plethora of other things...