How to choose a proper CPU


Jun 3, 2014
I need to buy a new computer, and I know these are the most important things I should evaluate: CPU, memory and GPU (if you want to play games).

It's been a while since last time I studied all the component's features to evaluate which product is good and which is bad, so I can't really judge myself right now. And I knew little anyway.

So, which particular features should I be paying more attention in order to know if some computer's CPU is good or bad? As long as I know, the frequency and number of cores. But I also know that the frequency is not necessarily a "reliable" sign since each platform works at a different rate.

So could you help me out and give me some tips in which I should look at in order to judge a CPU?

Look at K cpu's its unlocked for oc so it will give you futureproof i3,i5,i7 or xeon for gaming(xeon isn't for gaming though but it will work you as i7) for amd cpu's can't tell you much but for gaming nowadays aim at i7 cause games like watch dogs kg deliverance fc 3-4 needs an i7 for ultra if amd fx 8320-fx 8350
Thanks for your answers. Though I was not asking which ones are the best at the moment, but I was asking for tips and what should I be looking at in a CPU in order to judge myself.

Find benchmarks.

Sorry, only way 🙁
I am not quite sure what your asking but I can tell you that when comparing CPUs clock rates are not that important anymore. Years ago the GHz war was on and Intel announced that their Pentium 4 EE would hit 10GHz.. needless to say it feel short. The architecture of a CPU is very important and Even when comparing Intel against other Intel processors or AMD against older AMD processors with each new generation the clock speeds do not really increase but more the IPC or Instruction per cycle. Also Thermals are generally better for the performance the CPU has. ie Haswell refresh. basically the only thing they tweaked was the thermal interface. So the newest Haswell CPUs are going to run cooler. AMDs has been improving the APU and their Kaveri architecture has a significant performance gain over Intels HD graphics. This is just the ipt of the iceberg really. Just make sure that you have something relatively new in design and a good MB and PSU