How to compare two motherboards?


Jun 29, 2014

As a gamer, once, cpu has been decided on, what all points I should compare to evaluate between two motherboards for gaming?

I know of very few which are as follows:-
- Types of Ram it supports, more the better, more Mhz on ram the better, and latest like DDR3 1333 or such
- Gfx card slot that it has .. PCI express 2 or 3 [ I only use 1 gfx card, I dont think I will be using 2 anytime soon ]
- I know I am supposed to check something about watts , but not sure how or if it comes under mobo comparison .. but generally I go for higher wattage just in case .. say 500 or 550 or 600 .. so whatever power motherboard and stuff on it needs should be provided for by heavy watt power supply? [ please correct me if wrong ]
- I know I am supposed to check some bus speeds or such ... but not sure what ..motherboard to hard drive speed? or rate at which ram and mobo communicate with each other .. or how fast mobo carries required gfx data from GPU to may be i dont know.. cpu .. and those type of busses or links .. faster the better ?
- If board supports overclocking .. [ Added this as a last point as I will not overclock new pc ]

Thats all I know .. may be some of above stuff is wrong too [ i am new =) ] .. could you please fill in more stuff that needs to be compared and correct the above list where mistakes are made?

thanks a loads dude

Generally all that matters is: Overclocking capability (chipset/ power phasing), SLI/CF support, and number of ports.

Bus speeds don't matter on new boards. CPU to motherboard/ GPU o motherboard/ RAM and HDD to motherboard are all non-concerns. Don't even think about that stuff as it is all the same on new boards.

The motherboard does not affect game performance.
Generally all that matters is: Overclocking capability (chipset/ power phasing), SLI/CF support, and number of ports.

Bus speeds don't matter on new boards. CPU to motherboard/ GPU o motherboard/ RAM and HDD to motherboard are all non-concerns. Don't even think about that stuff as it is all the same on new boards.

The motherboard does not affect game performance.

thanks a loads