I have been using the same config for years, but recently have had trouble seeing more than one of the other devices on the network. The other servers or pcs can see devices that I cannot see from my pc. (sometimes I see 1 pc and other times, several). This is tough when you want to copy files over the network. I also am using a workgroup (not homegroup) and all the devices are in the same workgroup.. I thought that maybe I should replace one of the routers which is old. Now, after diagramming the setup, I am not sure. The at and t router has one static ip, I have 5 static ip addresses total. Each of the other 3 routers has a public and private static ip as well. each of the 3 routers connects to a port on the uverse modem router. each of the 3 linksys routers connects to one of the other routers. For example, A connects to C, B connects to A and C connects to B. The servers each are connected to the router having the correct public ip address for the particular website. I read in a post that I should disable dhcp on the secondary routers. at this point, I am not sure what to do.