How to configure SSD?


Nov 23, 2015

So i shall build a PC soon, and I was wondering on how to set my SSD to boot win 10 whilst my HDD be used for personal files. Is it as simple as plugging in the SSD initially to install windows on then after the installation, plug in the HDD?

Any help will be appreciated.
clutchc - Despite its age the optimization guide you linked to is fairly decent. The author of the guide, tecmo34, used to post here quite often a few years ago.

I would take issue with one item - disabling restore points. Instead, I would suggest setting both backup and restore points to be saved to a secondary data drive. For most consumers that would be a hard disk drive. I have mine set for an automatic backup every Sunday morning. It runs in the background. No muss! No fuss! No bother! You never know when some nasty bit of malware might try to take over a system.