How to connect a ps3 to a monitor via av cable?


Jul 9, 2015
To play on my ps3 (playstation 3), I have been playing on an old crappy, box tv that has a high resolution of 480p. I just built a gaming computer, and now have a 1080p monitor. I want to connect the ps3 to the monitor, for higher graphics. I tried connecting it with hdmi, but for some reason my ps3's hdmi port is broken, so I can only use the av cables. Is there an adapter that would allow me to connect the av cables to the dvi or vga on the monitor? Thanks in advance :)
It may not be that your HDMI port is broken. Maybe it's that the PSN is trying to run a 480p resolution setting and it is not reading your 1080p signal from your HDTV. Reconnect that AV cable and change the PS3 resolution setting to 1080p in the settings menu, then shut it down and reconnect the HDMI cable. I had to do this all the time with my PS3 when moving it between 720p and 1080p HDTVs. Try this first.