Question How to connect access point to switch?

Feb 7, 2021
Network map:

Modem --- Main Router --- Swit ch --- Acess Point

Hi all, i have a DLink AC 900 that I converted to serve as a wireess access point. It has 1 LAN port connected to a DLINK 10/100 switch.

When I connect to the AP, it doesn't get access to the whole network (no internet, no gateway on ipconfig). Why is this?

The main router is the only one with DHCP. The AP like I mentioned above is a router that I converted to an AP.
You must have configured something wrong. It almost HAS to work. So first I would connect a pc to a second lan port on the route/ap. The lan ports on a router are internally a simple switch so if this does not work you suspect a cable issue.

If it works on ethernet but not wifi then I would recheck you wifi config. Again this is pretty simple you have almost no options. The only thing I can think of is if you somehow got it set to a guest network or something.
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You must have configured something wrong. It almost HAS to work. So first I would connect a pc to a second lan port on the route/ap. The lan ports on a router are internally a simple switch so if this does not work you suspect a cable issue.

If it works on ethernet but not wifi then I would recheck you wifi config. Again this is pretty simple you have almost no options. The only thing I can think of is if you somehow got it set to a guest network or something.

I'll try this out tomorrow. Thanks!
You must have configured something wrong. It almost HAS to work. So first I would connect a pc to a second lan port on the route/ap. The lan ports on a router are internally a simple switch so if this does not work you suspect a cable issue.

If it works on ethernet but not wifi then I would recheck you wifi config. Again this is pretty simple you have almost no options. The only thing I can think of is if you somehow got it set to a guest network or something.

I tried a direct wired lan connection to the AP and still not connecting. I tried connecting the AP directly to the main router and it worked.

Wtf is this? You got a clue?
Network map:

Modem --- Main Router --- Swit ch --- Acess Point

Hi all, i have a DLink AC 900 that I converted to serve as a wireess access point. It has 1 LAN port connected to a DLINK 10/100 switch.

When I connect to the AP, it doesn't get access to the whole network (no internet, no gateway on ipconfig). Why is this?

The main router is the only one with DHCP. The AP like I mentioned above is a router that I converted to an AP.

I find when switching between access points at home that my router didn't know which port I was now on. Since I now connect my ap directly to the router I don't have issues...

Is the dlink acting as part of the first network or is it like a router... And the devices behind it are invisible.

Is the dlink isolating connected devices...
May be they got same lan address change their LAN address use different Lan address for AP and switch.
my issue is my main router is a bt "smarthub" - its not that smart - and tbh i just havent got the need to replace it. What ive done is created unique AP names and they all connect to the router - and then any other devices connect to the AP's. The only thing directly connected to my router is 3x AP - that have ethernet ports also... every time i switch between APs the DHCP request updates the port my device is now connected to (the router sees it as being connected via ethernet) so knows to send requests to my device down that port. I tried stringing AP's, but it never ends well...

Now, if I used a more expensiv setup, it'ld be easier 😉