How to connect Leds inside mid-tower


Oct 22, 2017
Hey everyone,

I would like to know how can I add some leds into my mid tower. It is a cooler master master box 5 lite and as you see it has a window to see the components. I would like to know what type of leds should I buy, what connector should I search to it etc. I want to order a strip from ebay, so if anyone could leave a link I appreciate.

I've done some research, and I found MOLEX Led Strip, however isn't this type of connector too old? Does this still exists on the present pc gaming?

BTW : My pc will arrive tomorrow, so I don't know what I have xD

"By simply connecting any 12V RGB LED strip to the 4-pin Mystic Light Extension RGB-strip header gamers can sync colors to any style they choose."

Expand to read about the "Mystic Light Sync" info including products that work:

I believe THIS one is compatible:

No included remote though there's a smart phone app, and to do it in WINDOWS you install the Gaming App (see manual page 63/64).
You should find out what motherboard you have first as it may have some special connector for LED's.

Otherwise it's a bit of a HASSLE:

Some need a special controller. Some have one light only which may or may not change at all.

I thought I'd find a simple USB connector model that plugged into the motherboard that was inexpensive and had software to control them but I did not see any (so again you seem to need a motherboard that supports it OR need to buy a controller with the strip as a kit or both separate).
My motherboard is : MSI B350 GAMING PLUS
I just want to put RED STRIP ONLY or RGB. But my big doubt is where I connect the strip. As I said I found a molex strip. I want those cheap led strips that are on ebay made in China that are controlled by a remote (if RGB). Send me a link if I know what I have to buy please. Thx
"By simply connecting any 12V RGB LED strip to the 4-pin Mystic Light Extension RGB-strip header gamers can sync colors to any style they choose."

Expand to read about the "Mystic Light Sync" info including products that work:

I believe THIS one is compatible:

No included remote though there's a smart phone app, and to do it in WINDOWS you install the Gaming App (see manual page 63/64).
Yea splitters are readily available , I run 3 x 12 inch strips from a single header.

Where would you be buying from ?? Country??

On your board the rgb header is in bit of a crappy location (bottom left corner)

If you want uniform lighting (front/back) (top/bottom) you may need longer ones.

Make sure to find out the max power draw from the header. Those strips are 6W/m (six watts per meter).

If it's listed in Amps, then it's:

= 6W/12V
= 0.5Amps

If the max was 1Amp (1000mA) then you'd support up to 2m of these strips. (other manufacturers may have different wattage).
The board header is 3amp , it'll manage a 2m strip but I'd argue you should get your case first & measure what you think you need .

You may get away with a 1m stretch.
2m maybe too long to keep tidy (you can quite simply snip the strips length wise to suit (they have cutting points every 10cm or so) with a pair of scissors or craft knife..

No point paying double if 1m will do the job IMO.
My mid-tower dimensions are (LxH) 468.8 x 454.5mm (=92.2cm). So 1 meter won't cover all inside of the box because I need (468.8mm X 2) x (454.5mm X 2) (=184.4cm). I'll cut the 2m strip if needed. Right?
Yeah mate you'll be fine

That eBay link , if you look at the second picture , the bottom left with the yellow/gold led cable all messy.

Enlarge it & you'll see point where there are 4 dots , a solid line ,& 4 more dots.

That solid line is a cutting point.