How to connect motherboard to power button?


Dec 26, 2016
Greetings. I have just bought a new case to shove all my parts in. I have mostly set my hardware up in the case. In the case are cables labeled POWER LED+, POWER LED-, H.D.D LED ± are the smaller ones. There is also a cable labeled HD/Audio, and at last a bigger cable labeled USB 3.0. What do they do? How do i connect my mboard to the power button on the front panel? How do i get the LEDs on the fans and the fans (on the case) working, etc.
They are not at all important. I just use Power Switch and Reset Switch. LEDs are what they sound like, a LED lights up when there is power to the PC and another LED lights up when there is HDD activity.
Pretty pointless. As if you can't hear when the PC is on and as if you can't tell when you are using the HDD.
Even then, knowing you use HDD has no purpose at all.
The case has those cables and you should connect what you need to the mobo, really only 2 are needed, power and reset. Usually those are connected to the bottom right area on the mobo. Check your manual. Be aware that NOTHING happens if you connect them the wrong way around. Black is minus IIRC.

USB 3 etc are stuff that is at the frontside of the case. You should have some USB outputs there and probably headphone/mic too (HD/Audio). HD/Audio cable I think should be connected to your soundcard. I don't know if mobo has that connection as well, I've never had to use onboard audio.

Connect the fans to SYS_FAN connectors. Again, look that up in the mobo manual.
These are the only open connectors i have. F PANEL and some other small ones.
Originally this was a prebuilt. I slowly added a few parts to it and then it became too much of a mess that i decided to buy this case, cm 590 III. The motherboard is from the hp 410-010. I did not get a manual with it.
Those front panel connectors connect to your case. You should see a bundle of them. Really only 1 is required, Power. Otherwise you would have to short out the pins every time you want to start your computer. Sounds like a hassle right? It's because it would be.
The rest of the connectors is up to you if you need em/want em to be connected.
I think that is the motherboard. I hate prebuilts too, it was just over a year ago that i bought it and i didn't know much about pc building. What do you mean a fan controller, and still how do i power the pc, the fans aren't my proper concern at the moment.