how to connect rj45 cable to rj11 port

Wait, so WHY do you want a converter then?
The DSL modem should have an RJ11 input where the telephone line goes into??
So u have a DLS modem and want to share the connection with ur house network ?

If yes then it's simple. RJ11 phone cable goes into the DLS modem and RJ45will come out of the modem which u need to connect to ur router to share the connection. U have to do the proper setting in ur router though, so that it can do the proper dial up with username and password.

If no, let us know clearly what is ur intention for the need to convert.

450TC1 ADSL2+router
i have an internet connection with rj45 cable which i was using directly by plugging in my i got this router but fails to plug in rj45 cable into this router beacue this rj 45 connector does not fit in need a connector or something to connect this rj45 cable in my router socket(RJ11).

Ah ok so you DON'T need a router, you need an RJ45 switch/hub so you can connect more computers to that RJ45 line you have.


but without router i cant be able to use wifi...