How to connect sound bar to TV with no audio outputs

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Dec 1, 2015
My samsung TV (UN32EH4003F) has no audio outputs. I'm just trying to connect a vizio sound bar (SB2920x-C6) to the TV. Is there any way I could do this?

Definitely not up to speed on my tech knowledge hence the TV with no audio outputs and not so great sound - I understand the great deal on it now. Any help would be appreciated!
unfortunately that model neither has hdmiARC or audio outputs so no, you can not.

if that tv is brand new, i would return it and get another model. if the tv is not new then i'm sorry but you are stuck unless you use it for a display only and rely on external sources for content.

for instance, if you use the tuner inside, do not. instead use an external tv tuner which can be connected up to a soundbar fine. the video can then go to the tv while audo goes seperately to the audio system. likely that is your only workaround solution other than getting a better tv model.
unfortunately that model neither has hdmiARC or audio outputs so no, you can not.

if that tv is brand new, i would return it and get another model. if the tv is not new then i'm sorry but you are stuck unless you use it for a display only and rely on external sources for content.

for instance, if you use the tuner inside, do not. instead use an external tv tuner which can be connected up to a soundbar fine. the video can then go to the tv while audo goes seperately to the audio system. likely that is your only workaround solution other than getting a better tv model.
If the TV is out of warranty it is possible to modify it. A speaker to line level converter like this one
can be connected instead of the speakers to provide an audio output. A switch can be installed to select the internal or external sound or they can be both connected to play at the same time. A TV repair tech could do this for you or if you are handy it's not hard to figure out once you take the back off the set.
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