How to cover old screw and tubing holes in computer case?


Jul 6, 2017
So for my first water cooling build, I tried using some pass through valves and ended up drilling about an inch diameter hole on the hard drive rack in my case.

Anyway, due to inexperience, I realized my initial layout was not ideal and I have devised a much better and easier water cooling layout. But as a result, I moved my reservoir and drilled a new pass through hole. So does anyway have a good way to cover my old holes in the case, or at least make them a little less noticeable. I'm thinking maybe laser cutting a very thin piece of acrylic or maybe even some metal putty, but that could get messy. Any suggestions or past experiences would be very helpful!
If you're a metal working and painting novice wanting to get a sleek finish then Id say cut your losses now and buy a new case. Its ridiculously difficult to patch up drilled holes in thin metal.. and even if you you do attempt it you wont be happy with the outcome anyway.

The hole is tiny and the case is expensive, definitely not worth a new one for me. I think I'll just live with it. You can't really see it from the outside so it shouldn't make a big difference.