How to create a question thread

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Win 11 Master
Due to an update of forum software, All threads are currently being opened as discussion threads.

This is not intentional - perhaps report any you see and a mod will fix it.

If you start a new thread, you have to choose the right tab for the type for the thread you want to make or it will create a discussion thread. Even if you change the prefix to question.

NOTE: This doesn't apply to certain forums such as Forum Feedback or any News threads as they are only created as Discussions.
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realises its no point warning if people can't tell the difference in appearance, as the forum doesn't make it that obvious what the thread actually is.

There are ways to tell them apart. The format of the thread is different. Just by looking at a page will tell you.
Question posts will have the question at the top and then a gap between it and 1st answer which shows options to sort the replies by votes or date
example of gap:

Example of a question:
whereas discussion threads are all in one long list - refer for example.

Anaother difference is discussion posts won't have up/down votes on right hand side of each post, or any way of being solved.
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