lmsrcmig06 :
Hello. I'm about the create a Minecraft server. I'll use 2 PCs (If I only need 1, warn me), one for playing and the other to host (Do I need 2 routers? Do I need specific harware?). I already have the full setup server, but I need to:
-Protect my server drom attacks
-Get a custom redirect IP, like play.lc-craft.net. How do I do that?
This is my current build:
Here is a how to:
First you go download the minecraft server thingy:
Creat a text file in notepad and paste this in it:
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.1.11.2.jar nogui
Save that file as a .bat file (eg: start.bat)
Now the hard part
Port forwarding
you need to give your pc a static IP adres just google how easy to do.
Then you go into your router and look for external networking, lan servers,.. depends on the router how it's called.
Find the port forward option.
use the static ip you gave your pc
in ports add 25565
Test it by giving someone the external ip from your pc
Website to find this out:
Then go to noip.com
make an account
install the software on your pc that you use to host
Make a domain name on noip
Select that domain name in the software
Give it to people
you are gtg
Btw if you host it on your pc you need to type localhost to connect to it. If you host in on another ip just use it's static ip.