How-To: Create multiple partitions on HD-PZU3 MiniStation


Dec 26, 2013
I have a new Buffalo HD-PZU3 MiniStation and I would like to use it to back up several laptops. I can format the drive but I don't see where I can partition it (one segregated partition for each laptop). Do I need to use an external product (e.g. Partition Magic) to do this or is there a built-in utility I've yet to find?

Thank you for any assistance you may provide.
Windows Disk Management will allow you to do multiple partitions - I must ask - why not just create a folder and share that folder for the backup purposes? There is really no difference as far as the laptops would see in sharing a partition (complete share) or sharing a folder (only that folder).
Windows Disk Management will allow you to do multiple partitions - I must ask - why not just create a folder and share that folder for the backup purposes? There is really no difference as far as the laptops would see in sharing a partition (complete share) or sharing a folder (only that folder).