How to disable cores in i5 6600

Yes there should be, you'll have to go into the BIOS and in the advanced settings in one of the tabs there should be an option to disable 1-3 of your cores.

May I ask what are you doing? Reducing core count won't exactly decrease power consumption in lightly tasked workloads because all the cores run in power-saving-mode so to speak on the fly when there isn't a lot of work on the CPU.
you can run msconfig.exe and then go to the boot tab, select advanced options and then check the "number of processors" box and in the drop down menu, select how many cores you would like to allow.

Thanks for your reply sir , actually I am using an old PSU for 4-5 days (I am waiting for a new one) . The problem is that this PSU has only one 4 pin connector instead of 8 pin that i5 6600 needs . So I want to reduce core count in order to reduce the temp . Is that right ?

Thanks for your help , it has the same result as the bios ?

No not should wait on a new PSU before using your new CPU/motherboard. Your motherboard needs the 8 pin connector to run your CPU yes. While thermals play a role in power consumption it is not reason for the 8 pin connector, the motherboards and processors power consumption is. You under power these they do not perform correctly and can cause damage or at the very least errors. So your far better served waiting for your new PSU.

Oh I didn't knew that … So you suggest me not to run until my new PSU is ready . Thanks for your help sir ! I have used it for around 4-5 hours , you think that I can have damaged something ?

Yeah, in that case I would definitely wait on the new PSU like Techy said. Underpowering your hardware will just lead to trouble.

Thanks for your help guys for real ! Appreciate your help , I guess I will wait 4 days !

Errors are the more likely outcome from under powering but yes I still suggest you not use your PC until your new PSU shows up. So you are likely OK for now. While errors are the most common damage possible from under powering, do you really want to risk damage to your new parts putting yourself in a situation where you need to return things therefore waiting even longer to use your PC full time? I know I would be pissed having to do that.

Thank you sir appreciate your help !