How to disable the GPU BOOST on GTX 960M?


Nov 15, 2015
I have a Lenovo Y-700-15ISK laptop with Nvidia GTX 960M GPU,and I would like to know how to disable the GPU BOOST!

Because it makes the GPU throttle at 67 degrees Celsius!

But not via the BIOS because this laptop's BIOS is not editable!

And also how can I overclock the GPU's core clock value to a higher than 135 MHz?

Please tell me!
Thanks in advance!
Best regards!
the gpu temp sometimes is managed by bios, are you suere it is locked?

sometimes is just controled by driver, msi can help you with that afik, if it is handled by gpu itself, you can't turn it off, iti s a feature inside the gpu itself, perhaps a firmware modified coould help, but is a laptop, so it is a measure set in place to keep it cool and not burning the gpu and laptop with it
on a laptop is not a good idea to overclok and change voltages, it is very common that those values are locked and can't be changed

i would start with msi afterburner, see if it works stable by oveclocking vram and cpu, i personally don't recomend it on a laptop, do it at your own risk

do small changes, 20 or 40mhz per time and run benchmarks, remember that if it works, your battery will last less and the noise from gpu fan will increase considerably under load

Dear atljsf,thank you for replying to me!
And how do I disable the GPU boost,because the GPU is throttling on 67 degrees Celsius?

the gpu temp sometimes is managed by bios, are you suere it is locked?

sometimes is just controled by driver, msi can help you with that afik, if it is handled by gpu itself, you can't turn it off, iti s a feature inside the gpu itself, perhaps a firmware modified coould help, but is a laptop, so it is a measure set in place to keep it cool and not burning the gpu and laptop with it