How to find temperature of my intergrated graphics card

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Jun 18, 2015
I have a good MSI laptop
i have installed a good hardware monitor which tells me all about my
core i7 - temp,clock,load,power
Ram - load,data
970m - temp,clock,load
And all about hard disk

What i cant find is my temp and load of intergrated graphics card which is Intel HD graphics 4600
how can i find those numbers can some one help me plz.
what? r u sure bro
and i am using hw monitor it very good but it wont show my igpu temps and load etc
u do know that igpus have clock rate right

i dont know about both having same temp

Now that i can monitor my igpu temp with GPU-Z I will do some games to test the temps of my cpu and igu and get back shortly 😉
So yea cpu and igpu have same temps
Thanks to prostar for telling me that and
Thanks to tradesman for giving me an app that can tell my gpu clock rates and memory load
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