How to find the speed of my RAM with CPU-Z?

Tom King

Jul 19, 2015



Okay, so there's the statistics of my RAM from using the CPU-Z application. Can anyone tell me from this what speed/mhz my RAM is, because I'm thinking of upgrading my RAM or getting more.

Okay! Thanks! So if I were to get more RAM, should I buy 2x8GB ram (1600mhz) ? because I heard if you want 4 sticks, they HAVE to be at the same speed?
also do you have ram in any of your other slots on the motherboard? If not you should read your manual and put those two sticks in the proper slots. Being in slots 3 and 4 you are running both sticks in single channel mode. The should be in slots 1 & 3 or 2 & 4 to run them in dual channel mode with will make them work better.

Well, in my computer I can see this:

Like there's a gap in between them.
Some mobos have weird identifications - this is prob 1 - 3 - 2 - 4 as to how to install (1-2) preferred for dual, then add to slot 3 for 3 sticks and 4 to fully also see (from CPU 4-3-2-1 and 4-2-3-1 while most of them (and us) simply count from CPU 1-2-3-4