Question How to finde the cause of Coil whine?

Jan 5, 2021
since end of November 2020 I try to find the Cause of a the whine in my PC. The PC ran fine for two years and one month after I got a new monitor and Internet the problems started. Which is audible at the GPU and above. It started with FPS and load drops and one day laeter there was this sound. First I switchem my RTX 2070 with the GTX 1080 of a Friend, the whine was still there in my PC with his card and my card was silent in his PC. I got a new motherboard an CPU wich didnt help. After this I bought a new PSU which didnt help as well. I then borrowed new RAM from a friend which also didnt help. An other friend then borrowed my his brothers RAM and RX 5700xt with no succes in finding the problem.
I thought it could be the Board which I got broken, so I send it back. Mid January I brought my PC to two different friends for testing and the first one, with the same PSU as me sayd that his card was screaming in my PC and my was screaming in his, just not as loud as bouth cards in my build. The second friend with two different PSUs sayd that after switching the PSUs it was gone, so I got a new PSU ( Corsair) and tested it today, with still the same sound.
I mostly tested the GTA V benchmark, but also tested DOOM and Cyberpunk, because I couldnt wait any longer to try in out, all with the same results. For all tests, except the first two, I had just one drive Installed for the games and switched them bouth drives, with the same result

My PC until switching Parts (since December 2018):
  • CPU: AMD R5 2600x
  • Board: MSI x470 gaming pro carbon
  • GPU: MSI RTX 2070 armor
  • PSU: Cougar GX-F 550W
  • RAM: G.Skill tridentZ 16GB
  • Win SSD: Kingston UV500 (Windows an drivers)
  • one WD HDD 1tb and one Kingston A2000 M.2 SSD 500GB
The parts I got because I thought I found the problem:
  • Board: MSI B550 gaming plus
  • CPU: AMD R5 3600xt
  • PSU: BeQuiet straight power 11 650W
  • PSU: Corsair RM650x
Bought boards where send back to MSI and they didnt find a problem.

First PC I tested in:
  • CPU: AMD R5 2600x
  • Board: Gigabyte x470
  • GPU: Zotec GTX 1080 mini
  • PSU: Corsair CX750F RGB
  • RAM: 16GB
Second PC, from a different friend:
  • CPU: AMD R7 3700x
  • Board: ASUS B550 A-Gaming
  • GPU: Gigabyte RTX3070 eagle
  • RAM: Corsair vengeance 32GB
  • PSU: BeQuiet 650W (gleiches Netzteil wie mein neues)
Other parts I got for testing:
  • PSU: FSP 550W
  • RAM: Corsair vengeance 32GB
  • PSU: Corsair CX750F RGB
  • RAM: G.Skill 16GB

I have no Idea what I could te´ry to find the problem excapt from selling my PC and buying a new one. Its not the monitor, RAM, CPU, PSU, GPU, case, board and the drives, there is nothing left that could be broken.
In my home I tested in two different Rooms. And I tested it at the houses of two friend which live in a different city, so at least 4 different outlets in two Cities an three houses
It doesnt have to be coil whine. The frequency doesnt change noticeable while ingame.
It sounds like this, but with every GPU I had in my systeme. In Cyberpunk it was audible at 60FPS and above 30% GPU load, in the loading screen, I didnt test it yet with the new PSU. In GTA loading screens I couldnt hear it, even with more then 200FPS (just the loading screen).
Could it be the SSD with windows? I dont think my friends have changed my drives for theirs.