try and boot into safe mode (f8 or shift+f8)
then copy the files from c:\winodws\minidump directory to a thumb drive, use another computer to copy them to a cloud server like microsoft onedrive, share the files with the public, and post a link.
how old is ur laptop???
try to get the bsod codes when it happens...or go to event viewer and find the reason...
it cud be anything from a driver to a hardware failure...unless u find out the reason it will be difficult to fix...
have u added any hardwares or updated any drivers recently???
try and boot into safe mode (f8 or shift+f8)
then copy the files from c:\winodws\minidump directory to a thumb drive, use another computer to copy them to a cloud server like microsoft onedrive, share the files with the public, and post a link.
BSOD occurs when there is a hardware failure/fault, driver issue, motherboard change (windows 7 will decline access to the OS).
Have you changed anything in your system recently software or hardware wise?
I have a dell 7559 and when I go to dell website to run the full 40 min test after a few minutes windows 10 crash with error massage UNEXPECTED_STORE_EXEPTION before that I didn't see the usual video memory test patterns with spaceships and I get sometimes deferent errors like MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED or BCD etc...
I did install a new SSD and transferred the OS to it when it all started now the problem stays even if I revert back to stock drive ?