Question How to fix my monitor “no signal” problem ?


Nov 26, 2022
I recently upgraded the CPU on my prebuilt PC (bought 4 years ago) to an AMD Ryzen 7 5800x. Applied enough thermal paste, properly screwed it in, yet when I hook everything up my monitor says no signal. Tried reinstalling the small circular battery inside, cleaned my RAM and GPU, didn’t see anything loose within my pc. I can start my pc and everything spins to life, yet my monitor says “no signal” and proceeds to black screen.
32 gb ddr4 ram, gtx 1660, corsair cx650m psu, amd x370. i am unsure of how to update bios as i can only power on my monitor before it says no signal and goes to black. its a prebuild from cyberpowerpc but i replaced most of the specs.
What's the exact model of the motherboard? You may have to look at it or find it in your original order materials.

An X370 motherboard would never work with a 5800X without a BIOS update; a motherboard from 2017 does not have the microcode required to run a CPU series released three years later.

Whether or not you're able to install a BIOS update without reinstalling the old CPU will depend on what the motherboard actually is. Until we have that information, nobody can tell you what BIOS you need, where to get it, or how to install it. If this was something like an HP or Dell prebuilt, with a proprietary motherboard version, there may not even be a BIOS update.
i looked into it, the motherboard definitely is the problem. are there any motherboards i should get in specific for my cpu cause i plan on buying a new one before anything else now.
this is the prebuild i ordered, for the motherboard it only says AMD x370

Depends on features, budgets, and if you still have your old CPU (if not, in most cases, you'll need to get a motherboard that has a BIOS flashback-type feature that allows BIOS updates without a CPU).