How to fix runtime error

check your event logs, controlpanel/admintools/event viewer/application
check for red and yellow fails that pertain to the app that failed. they should tell you whatfile cause the program to quit
you will then need to fix that file or if this isnt the problem follow the advice/explanation below for hints on how to fix the more pervasive errors.

This error may occur when one or more of the following happens:
One or more DLL files fail to register correctly when you install an application.
There is a problem with the regional settings of your computer.
Msvcrt.Dll and MS DCOM files on your system are obsolete.
Virus or spyware infections.
Corrupt or damaged Windows registry.

check here for a fuller explanation...
do not bother following the links to reg cleaners and antimalware tools as you can get better for free. but the advice and information are good.