I built a PC approx. 1 year ago. Everything was working fine for the first 2 to 3 months, when suddenly my PC started freezing in game. It never freezes on desktop use, but on gaming it freezes but randomly. Freezing stopped for a moment, but now its back. Thats why I am asking now, what do I do with this, any ideas where this is coming from, so I can change the part.
OS: Windows 10 Education 64-bit
MOBO: Z170 Pro Gaming
RAM: 2x4 Gb Crucial Ballistix DDR4 2400MHz (I actually had 4x4 Gb same rams, but the PC wont post with 4 sticks anymore)
CPU: i5 Skylake 6600K @ 3.5GHz
GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 970
Storage: Kingston SV300S37A240G SSD + Seagate ST1000DM003-1SB10C (Tried OS + games on HDD, didnt change a thing)
PSU: Corsair RM550
.. Eventlog is not helpful. It only shows that the "PC was restarted without turning it off first blah blah.." and pretty much haven't found anything else useful in Eventlog.
So freeze itself is simple: Game just stops working suddenly, all the sounds disappear (even outside the game), mouse and kboard doesnt do anything, cant alt+ctrl+del, cant do anything else than kill my PC with shut down.
Starting to grind my gears, if I could just know what the part is I could replace it. Building a whole new PC would hurt my wallet a bit too much.
Haven't really got any other problems with PC, other than couple days ago I got bluescreen UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP, but wasnt a freeze.
EDIT: oh and the freeze doens't usually happen more than once or twice a day. And usually when it freezes and I restart it, it won't freeze anytime soon.. and all temps are: GPU 67-69C and CPU ~50C in gaming, mobo ~28C, SSD/HDD +40C
I built a PC approx. 1 year ago. Everything was working fine for the first 2 to 3 months, when suddenly my PC started freezing in game. It never freezes on desktop use, but on gaming it freezes but randomly. Freezing stopped for a moment, but now its back. Thats why I am asking now, what do I do with this, any ideas where this is coming from, so I can change the part.
OS: Windows 10 Education 64-bit
MOBO: Z170 Pro Gaming
RAM: 2x4 Gb Crucial Ballistix DDR4 2400MHz (I actually had 4x4 Gb same rams, but the PC wont post with 4 sticks anymore)
CPU: i5 Skylake 6600K @ 3.5GHz
GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 970
Storage: Kingston SV300S37A240G SSD + Seagate ST1000DM003-1SB10C (Tried OS + games on HDD, didnt change a thing)
PSU: Corsair RM550
.. Eventlog is not helpful. It only shows that the "PC was restarted without turning it off first blah blah.." and pretty much haven't found anything else useful in Eventlog.
So freeze itself is simple: Game just stops working suddenly, all the sounds disappear (even outside the game), mouse and kboard doesnt do anything, cant alt+ctrl+del, cant do anything else than kill my PC with shut down.
Starting to grind my gears, if I could just know what the part is I could replace it. Building a whole new PC would hurt my wallet a bit too much.
Haven't really got any other problems with PC, other than couple days ago I got bluescreen UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP, but wasnt a freeze.
EDIT: oh and the freeze doens't usually happen more than once or twice a day. And usually when it freezes and I restart it, it won't freeze anytime soon.. and all temps are: GPU 67-69C and CPU ~50C in gaming, mobo ~28C, SSD/HDD +40C