Question How to get from C:\> to just plain old C:\


Aug 6, 2015
This is what's happening. Below is a copy/paste of what's happening. If anyone has any idea what's happening I'd like to hear it. Thanks for the help in advance.

A quick explanation - I type in the cd cmd and I bounce from the C:\ right back to C:\>.



The CD command is "change directory". If you don't add a folder name after cd, it simply gets the command to change the folder to no folder. That's why it goes back to the same command. If you were to type in "cd windows", it goes to "C:\Windows>".

The ">" character is normal. No idea what it actually means, but I don't know any better than it's been there.
it is just a means to tell path and/or where it ends apart, you should study options in command prompt and what prompt /? tells you.

cd without any parameters just displays your current directory, it will not change it. (in case your prompt is messed up or other reasons)

if you give it prompt $p, you get just drive and path, no ending > for that you need to have prompt $p$g

you can also add/remove things from it, including plain text.
prompt this is the time $t> to get just that text and time you last pressed enter, it'd omit all else.

you might be able to change it to be permanent by adding prompt value to system variables but... that needs reboot to test fully.