how to get higher fps


Apr 19, 2013
hi boys and girls
i am wondering how i can raise my fps to reach greater numbers? do i need to upgrade my ram or cpu ????
i currently have a intel core i3 3220 duel core 3.2ghz 4 gb of ram and my motherboard is an asrock b75-pro3M and my gpu is HIS radeon 7950

Overclocking GPUs in my opinion is safer than overclocking a CPU. Just download MSI afterburner and furmark then start to tinker with it. As long as your temps are fine, the worst thing that's going to happens is windows will crash. That might not even happen. Your drivers will likely just crash and recover and then you just add more voltage or reduce clock speed. Keep in mind furmark will give you your absolute maximum temp. My GTX 680 lightning hits 100c after about 10 minutes of furmark at max voltage but it only hits MAX 75c after hours of gaming. Usually around 65c. Trust me, OC your card and your CPU when/if you get it. Look up guides if you want to get a general idea of where to set the volts and clock speeds. And if you need any help, many people including me will be glad to help you in the overclocking section. :)

WoW supports more than 2 cores.

i want it for starcraft 2 HOTS it runs at like 42 FPS but i want more
i want it for starcraft 2 HOTS it runs at like 42 FPS but i want more
