How to Get Old Snapchat Back (There’s a Catch)

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It worked at the time of testing today, and I'll test it later and check that it's not working anymore. I did note that Snapchat was aware of this and admitted it was a temporary hack that wouldn't last forever.

Sorry that it didn't work for you, but I tested it again last night, and it still worked for me. As you can see below, hunkfunkchunk tried it and it worked for them. Are you making sure to disable automatic updates? Are you on iOS (as I note, it doesn't work on Android),news-26600.html#comment-rsp_en_20702063
This did not work and it's what I thought it was going to happen. It simply makes no sense because once you've downloaded the update, then that's what's on your phone regardless of you turning the auto update off or not. The only thing this "trick" did was to delete and reinstall the exact same thing.
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