how to get the final speed result after testing my bandwidth?

a cooperator

Aug 7, 2012
I got confused when I tried testing my bandwidth using this site bandwidthplace since I know that my internet subscription speed is a Data Traffic Volume with 24 GB, and Connection Speed (Account Type) 512 Kbps

However, in this test result, I couldn't find any final result which can be compared to the Connection Speed 512 Kbps. How to find a final Connection Speed as 512 Kbps or near to it.

This is my result test:
Ping 290ms, Upload 0.10 Mbps, Download 0.01 Mbps

Another result for another person who lives in another country other than my country(Yemen) gave me his test result after using the same site to test his connection speed :::
ping 186 ms , uplad o.46 Mbps downlod 0.36 Mbps

What is Internet connection speed from those results above?

How do I calculate my Internet connection speed from those results above?

The reason I mention a wired connection is because a WiFi connection adds its own issues.
For instance....If I were to test via wired directly to my router, and test WiFi at the other end of my house...I'd get two whole different readings. The WiFi would be slower.

If I were to rely on the WiFi readings only, I'd be very, very pissed off with my ISP. I would not see the speed I'm supposed to be getting.
I can use my WiFi from down at the end of my street, 100 yards away. Still connected, but much, much slower than if that laptop were in the same room as the router.

For people that only have a wireless connection...oh well...too bad for them.
If all you have is public matters greatly how far you are from the actual WiFi...

Thanks a lot,
Could you have seen my screen shots posted here?
I have tried running the speedtest while connected wirelessly, however, the result stayed as follows:

I have tested it with, while connected wirelessly, you didn't see the results. I have NOT understood anything from those results::
Ping 290ms, Upload 0.10 Mbps, Download 0.01 MbpsPing 290ms, Upload 0.10 Mbps, Download 0.01 Mbps

I have 512Kbps from the Government. I couldn't calculate that from the results I got above.
You think that the result "Ping 290ms, Upload 0.10 Mbps, Download 0.01 MbpsPing 290ms, Upload 0.10 Mbps, Download 0.01 Mbps" is nothing at all. If so, why would that website gave me this result?????????

And do it from a wired system. WiFi does not count.
Also, for those subscribers who are only subscribed to a WiFi public network, how to know to count their connection speeds offered by the WiFi public network owner???

WiFi sucks. There is no way around that concept...WiFi sucks.
The farther away you are from the actual WiFi source, the more it sucks.
"the father away" may be 10 meters, 25 meters...etc.

I can see a difference in my WiFi if I simply walk 20 feet down the hall upstairs in my house.

Your results of:
"Ping 290ms, Upload 0.10 Mbps, Download 0.01 Mbps"
...means it is just barely connecting. Just barely. Anything less than that is pretty much no connection at all.

Yes, thanks a lot,

But when I gave this site bandwidthplace to another person living in a nother country, and who was connected wirelessly to a WiFi public network, and when he tested his bandwidth, he got the following results:
ping 186 ms , upload o.46 Mbps download 0.36 Mbps

Notice his ping '186' is much lower than my ping '290'. However, his download and upload is much higher than mine.

Moreover, you think those two results(mine, and the other person's) don't mean anything other than I am barely connected to or no connection at all.
If so, I would be still saying that site bandwidthplace is for test bandwidth, and not to test if I am barely connected or not.
What happens to a different person in another country has exactly zero to do with what your connection speed is.

You're in Vilnius. I'm in Virginia.
If I were to test at'd get a whole different result.
Like this
Wired connection:

Wireless connection:

Thanks a lot,
1- when I asked that person living in another country to test his own bandwidth with the site, I would like to know how his connection speed was. So, he gave me those results. But I couldn't tell him how his connection speed was since I did not figure out that result at all. No final connection speed is clear, or otherwise I should calculate "ping, download and upload":to get the connection speed.
2- why did you say I am in "You're in Vilnius. I'm in Virginia. If I were to test at ..". I am in Yemen, and I completely sure it would be clumsy if I was going to ask someone in another country to use test his bandwidth and I will make a relation between his result and mine. I only gave that person that site to test his own connection speed and let me see the result to his speed.

3- You told me test while connecting with wired cable and paste the result here. However, I saw your first result being tested while you were connected with a wired cable(wired connection). But there is no clear connection speed in your result "ping 44 ms upload 58.27 Mbps download 74.85 Mbps" Or otherwise I should calculate "ping, download and upload" to get the connection speed.
■ Thanks a lot
You told me to test my bandwidth while connecting with wired cable and paste the result here. However, I saw your first result being tested while you were connected with a wired cable(wired connection). But there is no clear connection speed in your result "ping 44 ms upload 58.27 Mbps download 74.85 Mbps" Or otherwise I should calculate "ping, download and upload" to get the connection speed.You told me test while connecting with wired cable and paste the result here. However, I saw your first result being tested while you were connected with a wired cable(wired connection). But there is no clear connection speed in your result "ping 44 ms upload 58.27 Mbps download 74.85 Mbps" Or otherwise I should calculate "ping, download and upload" to get the connection speed.
Thanks a lot both of you very much indeed.
Yes but if my download speed is my connection speed, I will be asking that my governmental provider stated that my connection speed is 512Kbps. However, no result is like that in the test results.
Look at my my governmental subscriptions connection speeds (Screen shot below)
I have tested my bandwidth with <a href="">site</a> while connecting with wired cable.
But no result was shown as connection speed of 512Kbps as my subscription connection speed is said by the governmental provider. The list of subscriptions connection speeds below are offered by the provider in Yemen:

512Kbps from your provider is the absolute best you can ever see.
Generally, what you actually get will be less than that.

If there were a testing server in the building right next to your house, you might maybe see 0.50Mbps (512k), instead of the 0.10Mbps that you are getting.

Testing to a server 5,000km away (Yemen->Lithuania)....that just adds to the lessened performance.

Thanks a lot.
1- how to know if there was a testing server near to me or not?

2- you mean if see download. 50mbps, then my connection speed would be 512Kbps. Or I must look at upload as well.
3- then what does "ping reading" mean if only my connection speed would be known from "download reading"?

Different speed testing servers have different server locations.
Try, and see what it returns.

"ping" is the time it takes for a round trip signal from your system to the server and back.
It is only partially related to "download speed".

For instance:
I have an advertised 75/75 megabit connection from the ISP.
Usually, this is 83/82megabits.

To a server 30 miles away, I might see a ping of 22ms.
To a server 3000 miles away, I might see a ping of 300ms.
And get the exact same download speed of 82megabits/sec.

Thanks a lot,
1- Then I should only look at 'download reading', which will determine what my connection speed is?

2- As long as I have a connection speed of 512 Kbps, then I must see 'download reading' of 0.50 Mbps, which then will be multiplied by 1024 Kb, which will be then 512 Kbps. My calculation is correct, is not it?

3- Could you have seen my screen shot of subscription connection speeds offered by my governmental provider? It was posted in my previous post.
All subscription connection speeds available in my country are not similar to yours. Yours 75/75 megabit is strange.
Even if it is 83/82 megabits, it is still strange since all my subscription connection speeds are only offered in one number as the connection speed, for instance, my connection speed is as follows 512 kbps, and Data traffic volume 9 G ( Have a look at my screen shot please posted before)

Yes, I saw you images.

My 75/75 is Download/Upload.
Other people might have 100/20....100 Down, 20 Up.

Your published 512kb/sec is the theoretical max you will get. Not guaranteed...especially if you are testing to somewhere thousands of km away.

512kb/sec = 0.5 megabits/sec.
But apparently, you are not getting even that.
However, I do not know of whatever speed testing servers may exist closer to you. You'll have to look around and see.

Again, try See what that says.

Thanks a lot,
You insist on saying that I must test my bandwidth from a wired system. However, when doing from WiFi, it does not count. Then,
1- How can I see in the result if test from WiFi system to let me know that WiFi don'ts count?
2- Those who only are subscribed to a WiFi public network, with using a Code to log into, how could can test their subscription connection speed offered by the WiFi owner.

3- Yours 75/75 upload/download is much higher than mine. Also, my upload/download is not stated in my subscription profile.
The reason I mention a wired connection is because a WiFi connection adds its own issues.
For instance....If I were to test via wired directly to my router, and test WiFi at the other end of my house...I'd get two whole different readings. The WiFi would be slower.

If I were to rely on the WiFi readings only, I'd be very, very pissed off with my ISP. I would not see the speed I'm supposed to be getting.
I can use my WiFi from down at the end of my street, 100 yards away. Still connected, but much, much slower than if that laptop were in the same room as the router.

For people that only have a wireless connection...oh well...too bad for them.
If all you have is public matters greatly how far you are from the actual WiFi source, and what is in between.

Thanks a lot,
1- Your 75/75 upload/download is stated in your subscription profile(your current account information) when you log into your account in the website your provider? When logging into my account in the website my provider "Yemennet ADSL Login using the identification details(Username: my home phone number, PW: my home phone number) of my internet account in Super-Yemennet service, I, myself, only find the connection speed of my subscription, Valid Credit, and Credit Expiry Date. There is no 'Download/upload' as you have.

2- You think that 512kb/sec is 512 Kilo bit per second or 512 Kilo byte per second.


Thanks a lot,
Could you have seen my screen shot posted previously?
1- Why do you think that my provider didn't state up & down in my contract? They only stated the connection speed of 512 kilobits/sec.
2- In your contract, your connection speed is stated as well as your up and down? If so, what is your connection speed since 75/75 megabits is NOT a connection speed? Can I say that your connection speed = download 75 megabits/sec * 1024 = 76, 800 kilobits/sec. If so, then It is far high to be compared to my connection speed which is "download 0.5 megabits/sec * 1024 = 512 kilobits/sec.

Yes, my 75/75mbps connection speed is approx 150x what your 512Kbps seems to be.

Why does your provider not state a specific down/up? Unknown. Probably because they know it sucks, and they can get away with not stating it, because you have few other options.

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