how to get wifi without wifi router


Apr 14, 2014
so i have my pc with a ethernet connection (wired) and i wanted to use my smart phone but no wifi so i tryed to reverse tethering and still cant so can i just get a wifi card or usb wifi and just put it in the pc (or plug it in for the usb one) and use it for wifi hot spot??? as i dont want to use wifi for gaming on pc but still want wifi for my smart phone
Its not worth the headache of getting it to work when you can get a router for $15-$20. If you are worried about space they have travel routers that are tiny and cheap. Also it is far more secure to have a router between you and your internet modem.
so like herc08 said maybe i get some thing like a usb dongle to connect via wifi i think it will be cheaper coz i live in egypt and wifi routers here are sold at bull**** prices
but not the usb things

i just want to know if i get like a usb wifi thing will it work????

Herc08 is telling you that a "like a usb wifi thing" might be made to work. And suggesting that you should consider another, easier way to solve what appears to be your problem.
I'm saying that probably getting a USB dongle may be harder considering that most of the cheap ones are in China, and will cost more to ship them. A cheap router, even a 802.11g should do you justice. But your computer has to be on the WHOLE time for internet to be stabled. Again, I strong suggest a router, a very cheap router.