How to get Windows cheapest


Sep 3, 2015
I got a question im gonna put out there: When looking at all the different components of a new pc build the pricing of a windows license/disk always hurts the most - 95€ for a disk with windows on it just seems so crazy much, so i checked online a bit and found a decent amount of reputable sites that offer windows license keys for download for anything from around 20€-45€ or so, depending on which windows ... Can anyone explain me what exaclty that is? And are there cheaper ways to get full windows 10 (for instance) on a new PC without illegal methods cheaper than the absurd prices of around 100€?
exactly, you are paying for the license. its possible to buy windows from ms directly without a disk (you can download through them) or retail with a disk.

95euro is not a high price considering the piece of software is the whole thing allowing you to use the hardware and without it nothing would work. it is also the most complicated piece of software you will use and that license is for the life of the computer.

other programs can be much more expensive. photoshop for instance is 89euro per year now subscription. it used to be around 360euro for the full box set. microsoft office is 135euro. heck, even most games are at least 50 euro anymore. in the scheme of things the price for the os is inconsequential compared with just how much...
MS used to have great deals at college stores on university campuses ... with all 3 kids out of college, I no longer get wind of such deals but the MS web site has not been showing much in recent years OS wise. Everybody charges the same thing for Windows because they all pay rougf\hly the same price for windows. If it sounds too good to be true, it is.
For starters, 100€ is not absurd for a Windows OS. That's typically the norm. Any site that is selling a Windows OS for significantly less than that, likely did not obtain the license through legitimate means. Use at your own risk. Personally, I'd hate it if I dropped 20€ on a Windows license only to have it not activate or have activation revoked.

If you're upset about spending 100€ on a legitimate Windows OS, how would you feel is you had to spend between 120€ and 145€ for both the bogus Windows license AND the legitimate one you should have purchased in the first place?

-Wolf sends
sometimes students and alumni have some special deals where they can get software or os cheaper. other than that, no there is no legal and good way to get windows cheaper.

all of the cheap sources out there carry huge risk. sites like g2a obtain keys by questionable means and you wouldnt be the first person to report that their windows is not genuine anymore a few months down the line. as for ebay and similar disks selling cheap they may be keys that were already used or ones which shipped with oem systems and arent really meant for resale. they could work and they may not work - you might end up shelling out more in the long run instead of buying a legitimate version up front.

as far as windows prices hurting the most... ssd, motherboard, graphics cards all cost the same or more than a windows install. for a gaming computer graphic card prices can be 1/3 to 1/2 your total pc cost. while i agree windows is expensive, to go the illegitimate or questionable route is only going to bite you in the rear later on so its not suggested.
I personally consider it a lot for what it is because its software - granted an insane amount of work effort goes into making it but at the end of the day its still simply data that was created on a pc. You dont pay for any material value
And secondly i dont think i explained it clearly in my original post - those sites are indeed reputable, but they dont offer any CD or anything but a product key for windows that you can buy and thats what i dont understand: What can you do with just that product key?
You're not paying for the software, but the license to use it. It costs what it costs. As has been stated previously, any site (reputable or not) that is selling the OS at a significantly lower cost that normal, likely obtained the license by other than legitimate means.

If they paid Microsoft 100€ for the OS license, they certainly are not going to sell it to you for less than that.
exactly, you are paying for the license. its possible to buy windows from ms directly without a disk (you can download through them) or retail with a disk.

95euro is not a high price considering the piece of software is the whole thing allowing you to use the hardware and without it nothing would work. it is also the most complicated piece of software you will use and that license is for the life of the computer.

other programs can be much more expensive. photoshop for instance is 89euro per year now subscription. it used to be around 360euro for the full box set. microsoft office is 135euro. heck, even most games are at least 50 euro anymore. in the scheme of things the price for the os is inconsequential compared with just how much it does.

any site that sells less than the average prices other than special deals for students and similar is highly questionable. no retail site is going to sell for half the price and still be legitimate. its your money and your risk - you are free to take the high risk if you want even if we advise against it however if you have problems down the road you will be spending more money buying a legitimate copy so be forewarned.