Question How to group drastically different Windows files separately ?


Sep 12, 2014
Windows 8 groups files together that are very different in duration or size.

For example, if I were to group video files by duration, 5min videos will be grouped together with 30min videos. If I were to group files by sizes, 200MB files will be grouped together with 2GB files.

Is there a way for 5-10min videos to be grouped separately from 10-30min videos, and for 200MB files to be grouped separately from 500MB files that are grouped separately from 1GB and 2GB files ?
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Not sure about the correlation between file size and video "run time".

However; in any case, you may be able to use Powershell to find file sizes and sort the found file sizes into different folders based on file size.

Depending on how you logically "group" file sizes the logic may or may not become cumbersome.

Python may be another option/tool to do the work.

Just my thoughts on the matter.