How to handle the new hard drive for working long and happy live !

Additionally, a drive's failure has much to do with how well the internals are working. Even when handled properly, they can still die. I had a WD RE4 SAS drive, brand-new, die on me within a month. Thank God for warranties :)
Hey there, shaunak1!

I really hope you won't face any issues with the WD Blue drive.
Besides all the things the other guys already mentioned, I'd recommend you to download WD's Data LifeGuard Diagnostics tool here:
This utility will help you monitor the drive's health, so using it every now and then wouldn't hurt a bit! I'd also make sure you have multiple copies and backups of your data somewhere else, just in case. This is the best way to espace the headaches of data loss.

Good luck & Happy computing! :)