Question How to Heavily Compress any file using eg.7-zip? What are the effective ways?


Mar 24, 2019
I been searching for this thing for quite a while on the web but found mostly how to compress instead of effective ways. Taking let's say a video file, for example, I would assume different file types have different compression settings, but taking video .mkv file, for example (you can also talk about other file types as well, & not video specifically), it's a 66 Mb file (Image below). Now if I use add "Add to Archive", it will show me a bunch of options (Image Below). I don't really care which file type will it be, but "zip" is the default, but if "7z" is more compressable, I would like to use that. Then there's compression level, I mostly use Ultra, and method to LZMA2 or PPMd I've seen works well. Now I don't know what else should I tweak. If there's a superior software do let me know. And Free is better.

I think spec-wise I'm fine, still here's the list: I'm doing this out of curiosity and was wondering about this for a long time. I and maybe other people could help with this knowledge. Compressing might save some space and make many files One. Also, do the settings change if there more that one files are involved.

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