I was looking around for RJ45 surge protectors and I see they tend to have ground wires, which makes sense. But how does one go about hooking one of these up?
Say I have a cable modem, so no computer case to hook to? An example of what I'm talking about is this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?gclid=CI3w5smA6LsCFa9cMgod4hEAYA&Item=N82E16812106054
I'm hoping that there is a simple and safe way to hooking these up that does not involve stripping wires or taking apart an outlet.
Thanks 🙂
Say I have a cable modem, so no computer case to hook to? An example of what I'm talking about is this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?gclid=CI3w5smA6LsCFa9cMgod4hEAYA&Item=N82E16812106054
I'm hoping that there is a simple and safe way to hooking these up that does not involve stripping wires or taking apart an outlet.
Thanks 🙂