How to I create a download button?


Jul 17, 2006
I would like to create a download button from gif. Click on it and the gif (or PDF or whatever file) will print out at A4. Like a ready made leaflet. Can anyone help?
Really have no idea what you mean... is this for a website or something? If you can give a better example of what you want then you will probably get a better response.
Hi Fred,
Thanks for responding to my many queries. Regarding the last one (still thinking bout other two) I am building a web site for the Vice President of an organisation. He wants to produce an archive of A4 leaflets for members to print off from their printer, so that they are complete and can be folded and distributed straight from the printer. I suggested just to print out the web page, but he doesn't want any of the web stuff that hanges around the edges of a printed web page. He wants a mini picture of the leaflet, to click on it and it download to a browsers printer and come out perfectly. This sounds simple but I can't quite get my head around it. Appreciate any comments or solutions. Montymouse
Simple: [code:1:7f0b35884c]<A HREF="linkurl.html" ><IMG SRC="path/yourpic.gif" </A>[/code:1:7f0b35884c]

Complex: [code:1:7f0b35884c]<A HREF="linkurl.html" NAME="name of image"><IMG SRC="path/yourpic.gif" WIDTH="#pixels" HEIGHT="#pixels" ALT="alternate text if image is unviewable" CLASS="index"></A>[/code:1:7f0b35884c]
Well, you'll probably want to have the documents as PDF or at least MS Word files. This ensures that people with other types of computers will be able to open them and have them print correctly.

Put the files in a folder on the server, then as knudsen said, on your web page, create links to the files as so:

[code:1:e5dcd44aa4]<a href=file1.pdf>Click to download File 1</a><br>
<a href=file2.pdf>Click to download File 2</a><br>[/code:1:e5dcd44aa4]

And so on.

As for the thumbnails, you'll probably have to use some sort if image editing app to do them. You can probably get by with MS Paint. Open up one of the files, then press Alt+Printscreen to take a screenshot. Now open Paint and press Ctrl +V to paste it. Crop and resize it as needed then save as a JPG. Put the resulting JPG files in the folder on your server where you put the files. The easiest way to do it will be to keep the file names similar (file1.pdf and file1.jpg for example).

Then you would change your link to something like this:
[code:1:e5dcd44aa4]<a href=file1.pdf><img border=0 src=file1.jpg></a><br>[/code:1:e5dcd44aa4]

Something like Frontpage might be helpful if you don't have much experience with making webpages.

By the way, the class attribute in knudsen's 2nd example won't have any effect unless you have a corresponding style defined in your stylesheet.