How to i install a BIOS update?


Jan 14, 2016
I have just downloaded a BIOS update for my computer using Live Update. It has downloaded the file but how do i actually install this?

1. You do it only if really, really needed.
2. You do it by following the manufacturers instruction, exactly. No deviations.

1. You do it only if really, really needed.
2. You do it by following the manufacturers instruction, exactly. No deviations.

You should never install a bios update, unless it fixes some specific problem.
A bios change can crash the whole system into the ground, and I don't recommend you do it.

Now, WHAT specific problem is the update "supposed" to fix? Or do you even know?
not only crash but totally brick the board and render it useless -- if that live update is a app that runs through windows [like a auto update thing ] and not the ''real'' manually way you may be asking for more trouble that risk shoots way up using things like that [opinion]

Both the manual/DOS and Windows-based updater methods are mostly foolproof. The biggest risk is trying to run an update on an unstable or corrupt system where the system might fail part-way through the update, which is ironic when you consider that fixing stability issues is usually why people want to update their BIOS in the first place.

On the plus side, many motherboard manufacturers now have a self-update facility built directly in the BIOS which eliminates the need for a working OS and all the complications an OS can bring.