How to I overclock my laptop?


Dec 20, 2013
Locked intel H2 bios and AMD-E350 processor, 1600MHz, And I don't want some crap about why I shouldn't and how the temeperature will rise too high, because I'm not stupid enough to go off and quadruple it without making sure it won't melt my laptop. And the cooling is sufficient as the air my fan is blowing out has yet to exceed 5 degrees celcius.
I guess, the OP is brilliant enough to already have a locked intel H2 Bios with the AMD-E350 processor........ are you sure the air is blowing out of the fan and not from elswhere....?
To top it all it's a locked bios... I really have my doubts about the fan blowing air...

I live in Scotland, and for the part I live in this pretty much is the room temeperature.

I keep this specific room below 10 degrees at all times.