Two things are likely here.
1) The memory is not seated properly.
2) The BIOS is using 1 gb of ram for graphics (sounds like a lot, right?).
For item 1)
There should be a cover about 2-3 inches by 2-3 inches secured by at least one screw.
Remove that cover and re-seat the ram... remove and put back in to make sure it's installed properly.
Check to see if you still have 2 GB of ram or if you have fixed the issue.
This will also let you verify that you really have 3 gb of ram and you haven't made a mistake or been cheated somehow.
For item 2)
Go back into the bios, check the amount of memory dedicated to the integrated graphics. Since it's a Vista machine, keep at least 128 mb of ram but check the amount. Make your changes and save the BIOS settings.